The Hotel Victor Robbery of 1894

The faro tables at the Hotel Victor are robbed and Deputy Sheriff Sterling is threatened by the men who mean to break the suspects out of jail.

The Victor Hotel in 1895. This structure burned down in the Victor Fire of 1899 and the current structure was built to take its place. This photo is from the Denver Library Digital Collection and can be found by following this link.


Author Unknown. (1894, October 13). HOLD-UP AT VICTOR: The Hotel Victor Bar Robbed by Three Masked Men. The Morning Journal. 1.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 15). MINERS ARRESTED. The Rocky Mountain News (Daily). 1.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 16). A BLOODY TRAGEDY. The Morning Journal. 1.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 16). Deputy Sheriff Sterling Kills James Cannon. The Avalanche. 1.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 17). SHORT IS RECOVERING: And is now resting easily in the hospital at Colorado Springs, his wounds not being serious. The Morning Journal. 1.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 18). IT HIT HARD: A Bullet That Ended the Life of a Miner. The Colorado Weekly Chieftain. 7.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 19). CANNON’S FUNERAL: The Dead Miner Followed to the Grave by a Large Cortege. The Morning Journal. 1.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 19). Denied His Innocence. The Morning Journal. 7.

Author Unknown. (1894, October 20). Telegraphic Breveties. Silverton Standard. 1.

Author Unkonwn. (1894, October 24). Fact vs. Fancy. The Colorado Democrat. 5.


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