The Sudden Death of John J. Hoover

He was a mean drunk, bordering on insane (according to his friends, anyway). And in 1880, his violent nature caught up with him.


Foster, J., & Chase, R. L. (1953, March 15). Souvenirs of Old Hanging Come to Light in Fariplay. The Rocky Mountain News. 63.

Correa, T. (2019, September 28). The Hanging of John J. Hoover 1880. The American Cowboy Chronicles. Referenced May 22, 2024.

Author Unkown. (1880, January 1). Wall & Witter. The Rocky Mountain News. 27.

Hawkins, & Bruner. (1879, April 3). HORRIBLE HOMICIDE: TUESDAY’S MURDER. The Fairplay Flume. 2.

Davis, C. C., Arkins, J., & Burnell, J. M. (1879, April 3). MURDER: Another Shooting Scrape at Fairplay. The Chronicle – Leadville, Colorado. 1.

Hawkins, & Bruner. (1878, August 28). At the sitting of the District Court. The Fairplay Flume. 3.

Hawkins, & Bruner. (1880, April 29). SENTENCE AND EXECUTION. The Fairplay Flume. 3.


The Vindicator Mine and Those Who Built It


The Town of Midland